Configuring the Viable Issues macro

Configuring the Viable Issues macro

After installing Viable Issues and using it for the first time it's time to get to know the details.

Configuration of a Viable Issues macro

The Viable Issues macro has eight Macro Parameters to be optionally configured:

In order to override the default values for Project, Issue type, Component, Priority and Epic-Link tick the checkbox right before the related dropdown.

Project mapping

Define in which project the issue will be created. The user can not change this value while using the macro.

When the project mapping is set to "Auto", the issue will be created in a Jira project where the Confluence space key is the same as the Jira project key.

Default value: Auto

Possible values: All projects the user configuring the macro can access.

Issue type mapping

Define which Issue type the issue should be. The user can not change this value while using the macro.

Default value: Default value

The default value can be defined per project in Jira directly. Please notice Atlassian's official Jira Knowledge Base Article for changing the default issue type (Jira Software 8).

Possible values: All issue types that are related with the corresponding Jira project.

Allow Modification

Allows you to decide whether the user of the Viable Issues macro is able to change the project and/or the issue type after using the Viable Issues button.

Default value: False

Possible values: True, False

Component mapping

Allows to set a pre-defined component when the macro is used. The user can change this in the dialog.

Default value: None

Possible values: All components created in the corresponding Jira project first.

Priority mapping

Allows to set a pre-defined priority when the macro is used. The user can change this in the dialog.

Default value: Default value

Possible values: All priorities that are related with the corresponding Jira project.

Epic Link mapping

Allows to set a pre-defined Epic Link when the macro is used. The user can change this in the dialog.

Default value: None

Possible values: All Epics created in the corresponding Jira project first.

Button text

Allows you to define the label of the Viable Issues button.

Default value: Empty

Default label: Create Jira Issue

Dialog title text

Allows you to define the title of the Viable Issues dialog.

Default value: Empty

Possible values: Create Issue

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