Configuring the Viable States macro

Configuring the Viable States macro

After installing Viable States and using it for the first time it's time to get to know the details.

The Viable States macro allows a user to make a selection (status) in the form of a dropdown with a colored lozenge (rounded box) and thus to make a visual identification.
At the same time a unique label assigned to the status is set on the page. This enables a search for all pages with the same status.

Conversely, adding the corresponding label sets the corresponding status.
There is a direct connection and therefore an interaction between status and label.

(info) Please refer to the official documentation of Confluence Status Macro for additional information. 

Configuration of a Viable States macro

Here's a list of the parameters available in this macro. 




Default Title


This text is displayed if none of the listed States have been assigned, i.e. no selection has been made yet (default status).

Default ColorEmpty

This color is used for Default Title if none of the States have been assigned, i.e. no selection has been made yet (default color). The following colors are available: GreyRedYellowGreen and Blue.



A list of states that is separated by commas and semicolons in this form: Title,Color,Label;Title,Color,Label;...

Syntax Structure / Structure of a Viable States Macro Set

<title of the first status>,<color of the first status>,<label of the first status>;<title of the second status>,<color of the second status>,<label of the second status>;<title of the third status>,<color of the third status>,<label of the third status>;

  • The Title will appear inside the lozenge.
  • The Color will set the color of the lozenge, that is 'grey', 'red', 'yellow', 'green' or 'blue'.
  • The Label will be set on the page. 
Not defined,grey,status-notdefined;Draft,yellow,status-draft;In Progress,blue,status-inprogress;Approved,green,status-approved;Rejected,red,status-rejected;

(info) If a selection is made and the corresponding label is set on the page, this is also entered into the macro body (in edit mode), so that even when editing a page, it is clear which status the present Viable States macro currently has.


Empty (solid)

The lozenge background color and text color. The default lozenge style is a solid background color with white text. Choose subtle to use a lighter lozenge background color with colored text prominent to double the size of the solid design.

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