Using Viable Project Creator

Using Viable Project Creator

After reading the Quick start guide we now can go on a deep dive using the Viable Project Creator.


Working with Confluence and Jira in business projects often requires a lot of manual work.

Viable Project Creator is your solution if you want to manage multiple business projects.
Users are then able to create a Jira project and a Confluence space from a transition of a Jira issue.

Understand the benefits of Viable Project Creator 

1.) Set up one project that contains an issue for every project you want to manage.
This issue contain all information needed for managing a lot of business projects.

Make sure that, at least in one Issue Type, your configured transition is available.
Also take care that the configured Custom Field is filled, before Viable Issue Creator starts working for you.

2.) Enter the key of your future project into one issue and after the status change is executed, a Jira project and a Confluence space are created.

The Confluence space even contains all the pages from your defined template.

After that, everything is ready to successfully complete the business project.

Side note: Normally this would need advanced permissions (administrator), but Viable Project Creator can shift the creation of Jira projects and Confluence spaces from administrators to users.


Before the app can work properly, each user must give permissions to Viable Project Creator. This can be done


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