Dos & Don'ts Viable States

Dos & Don'ts Viable States

Dual use (Copy within a page)

Because of the direct relationship between status and its label and thus their interaction, the State Viable States macro is not suitable for multiple use by copying within a page. It has to be unique.


Viable States macro 1 has a selection for a menu variant:

Menu Employee 1
menu vegetarian,green,menu-vegetarian;menu vegan,blue,menu-vegan;menu beef,red,menu-beef;menu fish,yellow,menu-fish;

Viable States macro 2 has the same selection for the menu variant:

Menu Employee 2
menu vegetarian,green,menu-vegetarian;menu vegan,blue,menu-vegan;menu beef,red,menu-beef;menu fish,yellow,menu-fish;

(warning) In this case the selection in the first Viable States macro would set a label. Due to the interaction (label sets status) the second Viable States macro would be set to the same status. The consequence: A selection in one macro selects the status for both Viable States macros. 

Non-defined status

The parameter Default Title and Default Color specified in the parameters define the initial state of the Viable States Macro selection, i.e. a default state and its color if none of the selection options have been set yet. A keyword is not yet set.

(lightbulb) It is therefore advisable to precede the character string in the Status parameter with a "Not defined status", so that a status that does not correspond to any of the selection options can be marked during operation.

Not defined,grey,status-notdefined;Draft,yellow,status-draft;In Progress,blue,status-inprogress;Approved,green,status-approved;Rejected,red,status-rejected;

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